Masks of the Pacific Northwest Coast

A Group Exhibit

This year we celebrate MASKS of the Pacific Northwest Coast. The mask is an ancient and magnificent object used in ceremony and performance among the peoples of this region. 

While many objects on the Coast combine utilitarian functionality with refined beauty, few traditional objects are as iconic to the Pacific Northwest Coast art and culture as masks. Whether it is a portrait mask or a transformation mask, a personal clan crest, or a supernatural character, each one has its own presence, its own story to tell, and a deep connection to the artist who created it. Masks allow the wearer to embody transformation. The creation process for a mask is a transformation unto itself, turning base materials into a sacred object that reflects a likeness from the world around us. Each mask is imbued with power in this way and that is why masks are timeless. 

Exhibition Dates:

June 5, 2025 - June 28, 2025

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