Summer’s Arrival Octopus Bag

Felted Wool, Charlotte Glass Beads (size 13, single cut), Glass Beads, Merino Yarn, Cotton Fabric

L’ool ḵa Gáat (Fireweed Blooming means Sockeye Salmon are Running)

Growing up in Angoon, sockeye season was a busy time of the year. Families work together to  catch, smoke, and put their fish away. Shgendootan has fond memories of going with her uncle to get salmon and everyone had a hand in the process. When she was younger, she remembers her father pointing to a field of fireweed and saying “Pop says that when fireweed are blooming the sockeye are running.”  Hence this collection of octopus bags called, “L’ool ka Gāat, meaning fireweed and sockeye salmon. Shgendootan is constantly amazed at the environmental knowledge of her grandparents: learning from, observing, and being in tune with the surroundings is a way of life that has existed for centuries. This knowledge has been passed down from parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles for generations. Shgendootan is deeply touched as she watches her daughters now head out with their great-grandfather to beach seine for sockeye. Shgendootan is a Tradition Keeper and we are so honored to be introducing her to you!

The Octopus Bag called Summer’s Arrival started out with the sockeye salmon appliqué as one full piece, but Shgendootan cut the design to make the Octopus Bag two sided. This is similar to a long standing tradition of cutting Blankets to distribute to family members, or repurpose something altogether. This formline design is the foundation for this bag and Shgendootan has beaded the fireweed flowers on top of the design. It is stunning!

Overall length with the strap is about 43.5″l.