St’uu Sawwhet OwlArgillite, Abalone, Catlinite, Mother-of-pearl
- 2.88"h
- 1.5"w
- 1.5"d
Argillite FrogArgillite, Abalone, Mother-of-pearl, Catlinite
- 1.75"h
- 3"w
- 2.88"d
Eagle MaskRed Alder, Acrylic Paint
- 11.5"h
- 8"w
- 7"d
Hlk’yaan k§ustaanArgillite, Abalone, Mother-of-Pearl, Catlinite
- 1.75"h
- 3"w
- 3"d
Broken Beak Raven (1985)Argillite, Mother of Pearl Inlay
- 5.5"h
- 3.25"w
- 4"d
Eagle Clan AncestressArgillite, Paua Shell, Mother of Pearl, Catlinite
- 14.5"h
- 3.75"w
- 4.75"d
Raven Panel PipeArgillite, Catlinite, Paua, Fossilized Ivory, Opal, Mother-of-pearl
- 5"h
- 11"w
- 1.5"d
Raven Bestowing LeadershipArgillite, Abalone, Fossilized Ivory, Catlinite, Duuguust Stone
- 9"h
- 8.5"w
- 5.5"d
Wasco (Wolf/Killerwhale) Argillite BowlArgillite, Abalone, Fossilized Ivory, Catlinite, Mother-of-pearl, Duuguust Stone
- 6.25"h
- 7.25"w
- 3"d
Born in the town of Old Masset, on the northern tip of Haida Gwaii, Christian White is a descendant of a long line of influential and talented artists. Christian started carving at age 14. He learned the intricate and conservative traditional Haida style by studying the living masters in his own home town. Christian soon developed a unique style of his own, incorporating the rigid traditions of Haida carving. His carvings rely deeply on the old myths and legends of his people. Christian White works in wood and argillite. Argillite (black clay shale) is very rare and located only on the Queen Charlotte Islands. Because of this, Haida artists have the sole privilege of working in argillite. Christian’s focus on the carving of argillite is the best testimony to his people and their unique and exceptional artistic history.