Art of Alaska: An Artistic Frontier

The diversity of Alaska’s landscape is mirrored by the extraordinary range of cultures that have adapted to and thrived over the centuries.  From the Northwest Coast Native cultures of Southeast Alaska, to the Aleut of the Aleutian Islands, the Yup’ik and Inupiat Eskimos of the North Pacific and Bering Sea to the Athabaskan of Central Alaska, this exhibit will honor these ancient and still vital cultures and their art traditions.

Exhibition Dates:

September 6, 2007 - October 25, 2007

Involved Artists:

Edwin Weyiouanna, Raymond Weyiouanna, Richard Olanna, Roy Weyiouanna, Terry Nayokpuk, Phillip Charette, John Hoover, Jim Schoppert, John and Mark Tetpon,