Lisa Telford

Lisa Telford

Lisa Telford is a weaver who creates contemporary garments, shoes and other objects using Northwest Coast style weaving techniques. Her work serves as a commentary on Native identity, stereotypes and fashion.

Her work can be found in the collections of the National Museum of the American Indian and the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture.


I am a Git’ans Git’anee Haida weaver. I come from a long line of weavers including my grandmother, mother, aunt and cousins. I learned traditional techniques of Haida basketry from Delores Churchill, and Haida cedar garments from Holly Churchill.

Artists Statement

I harvest and prepare my own material, using red & yellow cedar bark and spruce root in my work. Harvesting cedar bark takes me hundreds of miles from home and many hours of preparation time. Materials are prepared differently depending on the final product. The bark is traditionally stored for one year and then further processing is required before weaving may start.

My award winning work is done in both contemporary and traditional methods of weaving including twined and plaited. My work encompasses baskets, traditional hats, and cedar bark clothing.

It is important to me to pass on tradition and maintain a high standard of perfection.

“Haida Basketry was essential for survival years ago.

I continue the tradition, celebrating the beauty of nature.”