Waterborne /
Waterborne Reflection

Open Edition Corten Steel,
Stainless Steel
Click image for separate
dimensions and prices

These sculptures are sold separately, but are a complementary top and bottom.

Dimensions & Price for pair shown here:

Top (Corten Steel): 22.13″h x 36″w x .19″d – $1,500

Bottom (Stainless Steel): 14.38 h x 48 w x .13 d – Please inquire


The figure shown here is the Tlingit character Gonakadeit, often seen on the sides of Northwest Coast chests and boxes. He is shown in person and in reflection, as if arisen from the water. The sight of him is said to bring wealth and good fortune. He is a sea-monster, yes, but also a human being with his upturned hands and downturned face, all dripping with seawater.

-Barry Herem