Entuk (Collaboration with Raven Skyriver)

Blown, Free-Hand Sculpted, and Carved Glass

Entuk is a cultural superhero. A woman who was grieving the loss of a child is crying as she walks along a beach one day. Her nose is full of mucus and she blows her nose and as it comes out it lands on an empty mussel shell. It starts to move, grow and change shape. It assumes the shape of a small boy and grows up to be a powerful leader in the tribe. This is a story that has been illustrated by Joe David (Nuu-chah-nulth) throughout his career in multiple media, and continues to inspire him. Singletary and Skyriver have both been mentored by Joe David throughout their careers, and consider him both a guiding light and close friend. This version of Entuk continues the retelling of this story through new generations.